Business Card

 Business Cards 

·       For my business cards I decided to stick to the color scheme of my original logos I created on Adobe Illustrator. I believe that business cards are very important because they represent my "company", very similar to how the logo represents me as a person. The business cards I created converts important personal contact information, but it also would be the first exposure that a customer sees of my "company", so it needs to be compelling. For my first business card I decided to keep the theme of the four-leaf clover and created a green ripple effect as the background and have my name in a fun font. For my second business card I wanted to create a more official business card look that looks more professional. I used grey and black colors to get the high-end look. For my final business card, I went for a more retro look. I included the same colors of the purple and the green in the original logo. I also included different png's to show what each line of information meant. Overall, this project took me a total of 2 hours. I had a little bit of difficulty trying to come up with different ideas but other than that I did not have any trouble with this project in InDesign. 

Business Card 1(front to back)

Business Card 2(front to back)

Business Card 3(front to back)


  1. For the second design, I like that you just used the initials of your name instead of writing it out. Your logo is very well designed. Normally I'm not a fan of green, but the first one is very pleasing to look at.

  2. I really like your business cards. With every design, the colors and logo matched. The way you used your logo was my favorite part.


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